Old, ornamental sheet of music, the stave is heartshaped.
Picture: Wikipedia, Baude Cordier: Chantilly Manuscript, License: CC BY-SA 3.0.

The HeArtS (Health, Arts and Sustainability) platform

The HeArtS is an educational platform aimed towards students, teachers and researchers for developing a sustainable and healthy working life through engagement with the arts. The platform was developed in the ARTHEWE project and it consists of seven short videos:

1. WHO, health 2023

2.  Contemplative Inquiry

3. Self figure drawing

4. Flow and music contemplation

5. Use arts to increase your observation skills

6. Nature and mental recovery

7. Rasa Box

The platform can be accessed here: HeArts Platform (password: hearts)

Read more about the development process and research behind the platform in this article.